And, just as the blind man receives physical sight,
he is also gradually given increasing insight into who Jesus is, culminating in
his profession of faith, “I do believe,
Lord.” He receives his physical sight through a series of steps in which
Jesus spits on the ground, makes a kind of clay which he smears on the man’s
eyes, and tells him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. The man goes, washes, and
returns able to see. Meanwhile, he gains
increasing insight into who Jesus is - a growth in faith which exactly
parallels the unbelief of Jesus’ adversaries, who can certainly see but are
spiritually blind - obstinately so. Physically the Pharisees could see, but
spiritually they would not see, because they already knew with absolute
certitude that Jesus was not from God.
Unlike the disability of the man blind
from birth, theirs was a willful choice not to see.
God, however, has his own way of acting, as the
story of his surprising selection of David as Israel’s king illustrates. Not as we see does God see. What God
does can come as a complete surprise. What God wants of any of us may also be a
It’s easy to appreciate why the Church chose this
Gospel account to express what happens when one turns one’s life around and
obeys Jesus’ command to go and wash in the waters of baptism. What happens is a
wonderfully new and bright outlook on life.
At the same time, it is also an enormous challenge. Embracing belief in
Christ opens one to a new life of faith and worship, but also potentially puts
one at odds with the darkness that still seems to dominate the world. Saying “Yes”
to Jesus inevitably means saying “No” to other options.
Fifty years ago today, Blessed Pope Paul VI issued
his landmark encyclical Populorum
Progressio ("On the
Development of Peoples"). Paul VI's perceptive and well-timed call to look
around us and see the contemporary world’s challenges echoes Jesus’ invitation
to the blind man to see for the first time and his challenge to the rest of us
to start seeing in a new way. In faithful continuity with our Catholic tradition,
Paul brought new light to the analysis of modern society and the politics it
produces, challenging such concepts as profit as the chief spur to economic
progress, free competition as the guiding norm of economics, and private
ownership of the means of production as an absolute right. Fifty years
later, Populorum Progressio continues to challenge our still
unconverted world.
All of us are being called to constant conversion
throughout our entire lives, and Lent is intended to be an especially
transformative time for each of us, just as the blind man’s encounter with
Jesus proved totally transforming for him. Lent challenges us, as Jesus
challenged his adversaries and Blessed Paul VI challenged his contemporaries,
to reject our own blind spots and to respond anew to Jesus’ invitation to live
in the light.
This challenge to live as children of light and to keep on producing every kind of goodness is ongoing. The
conversion we are all called to is a continuing challenge to say “Yes” to
Christ and “No” to other options. It continues throughout the entire course of
life. That is why we need to avail ourselves of every available resource,
including and especially what the early Church charmingly called “the second
plank after shipwreck” – the sacrament of Penance, in which, through the
ministry of the Church, we receive forgiveness and so may be repeatedly
reconciled with God and with his Church.
If we manage
to do nothing else during this Lent, let us at least make it a point to do
Homily for the 4th Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday), Immaculate Conception Church, Knoxville, TN, March 26, 2017.
(Photo: The Golden Rose Given by Pope Benedict XVI to the Basilica of the national Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC)
(Photo: The Golden Rose Given by Pope Benedict XVI to the Basilica of the national Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC)