Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Problematic of Presidential Leadership


The accession of a new presidential regime in Washington sent me back to a monumental late-20th century study of contrasting types of presidential leadership, Stephen Skowronek,The Politics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to George Bush (Harvard U. Pr., 1993, 1997). 

Skowronek divided presidential history into four periods: (1) Patrician politics (1789-1832), when presidents purported to stand above faction and governed on the strength of their personal standing among elite notables; (2) Partisan politics (1832-1900), when political parties dominated and leadership utilized political patronage; (3) Pluralist politics (1900-1972), characterized by the rise of bureaucracy and bargaining among competing interests; and, finally, (4) Plebiscitary politics (1972- ), characterized by candidate-centered campaigns and a more direct relationship with the wider public, which generally prioritizes a growing economy.

More distinctively, he typed presidents in terms of a politics of reconstruction, presidents who repudiated the recent past (e.g., Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, FDR), a politics of articulation, presidents who continue previous tradition ( e.g., Monroe, Polk, Theodore Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson), and a politics of disjunction, presidents who continue previous tradition, when that tradition is becoming inadequate to the time and politically insupportable (e.g., John Quincy Adams, Pierce, Hoover, Carter). He also discussed in somewhat less detail a politics of preemption, presidents whose repudiative authority is more limited that that of reconstructive presidents, with consequent difficulties (e.g., Tyler, Andrew Johnson, Wilson, and Nixon). He also alluded to three other more unique cases, Coolidge, Eisenhower, and Cleveland.

Skowronek's analysis is quite dense and presents an immense amount of historical detail to buttress its distinctive treatment of presidential leadership. At the end of the 20th century, the author seemed to emphasize how modern transformations in American politics have substantially altered some of the variables that have traditionally oriented the exercise of presidential leadership. In his 1997 Afterword, reflecting on the as yet unfinished Clinton presidency, he suggested that preemptive leadership might likely characterize the future.

I have not read  Skowronek's 3rd edition (2020), which took his analysis  into Trump's first term (but before his catastrophic final, pandemic year and electoral defeat). By then, events had challenged Skowronek's earlier expectation that historical patterns were being overtaken by contemporary developments. My understanding is that he grappled with whether Trump would prove reconstructive, despite deviating from the historic pattern (in that Obama was not a disjunctive president), and his analysis foresaw the possibility that Trump would become in effect a party unto himself, which he obviously has since become.

But whatever was the case then, we have since experienced the Biden interlude and Trump's triumphant return to power with all his reconstructive aspirations. I don't know what Skowronek would say (or maybe has said) about Biden and Trump II, but here is what I think.

The modern period of Plebiscitary politics continues. The successful presidents (i.e., those who have gotten reelected) have, for the most part, been charismatic figures with a direct connection with the electorate. This was especially true of Regan, Clinton, Obama, and now Trump. Recent elections have also illustrated how that direct connection highlighted the importance of the economy in voters' calculations.

When first describing reconstructive presidents, Skowronek wrote "Presidents stand preeminent in American politics when government has been most thoroughly discredited, and when political resistance to the presidency is weakest, presidents tend to remake the government wholesale. It is worth noting, however, that the commanding authority presidents wield at these moments does not automatically translate into more effective solutions to the substantive problems that gave rise to the nationwide crisis of legitimacy in the first place."

Presumably, Trump is not familiar with the political science language the author employs, but it seems safe to suggest he aspires to be a reconstructive president and appears well positioned to become one. A quick comparison with a line like this from Obama's 2013 Inaugural - "We cannot ... substitute spectacle for politics, or treat name-calling as reasoned debate" - effectively illustrates Trump's repudiation of the previous regime. (Indeed, Trump represents an apparently wholesale repudiation of virtually all previous iterations of the American constitutional regime.)

Of course, no one can know for certain how things will play out. But, from the unique perspective of our contentious present, the Biden presidency (which, once upon a time, seemed poised to be quite consequential, but now appears to have been but an interlude between the Two Trump presidencies) now seems to have the characteristics of a disjunctive presidency, in the tradition of the two Adamses,  Herbert Hoover, and Jimmy Carter. Skowronek first described such presidencies as affiliates of the previous regime at a time when conditions  of governance have radically altered and the regime affiliate is left "with little beyond his own personal dedication and his keen appreciation of the complexity of the nation's problems to justify his tenure." That does seem to fit Biden better, from the perspective of the present than the earlier appreciation of him - more a Carter than an LBJ. And to the extent Biden really was disjunctive - marking the final end of post-New Deal, post-Cold War liberalism, the path has been paved for Trump to become a truly reconstructive president.

On the other hand, Trump's unique personality leaves the full future trajectory of his Administration a much more open question than any historical typology may be able to accommodate.

Monday, January 27, 2025

80 Years Later


More than a million people, mostly Jews but including members of other groups as well, were murdered by the Nazis at Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland during the Second World War as part of what we now know as the Holocaust. The notorious camp was liberated by soldiers of the Soviet Army 80 years ago today on January 27, 1945.

To mark this anniversary - occurring as it does in a time of increasing anti-semitism in the world - European dignitaries, among them Britain's King Charles III, King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain, Crown Prince Haakon Magnus of Norway, Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie of Luxembourg, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium, King Frederik X and Queen Mary of Denmark, and Princess of Orange Catharina-Amalia, have converged on Auschwitz today.

Speaking at the Jewish Community Center in Krakow, King Charles said that the anniversary "is a moment when we recall the depths to which humanity can sink when evil is allowed to flourish, ignored for too long by the world." Noting that the number of Holocaust Survivors inevitably diminishes with the passage of time, the King said that "the responsibility of remembrance rests far heavier on our shoulders, and on those of generations yet unborn."

"The act of remembering the evils of the past," King Charles stressed, "remains a vital task and in so doing, we inform our present and shape our future."

PhotoKing Philippe of Belgium, Queen Mathilde of Belgium, British King Charles III, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and King Frederik X of Denmark and Queen Mary of Denmark at the 80th Anniversary Commemoration at Auschwitz.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The President and the Bishop


Over 50 years ago, Reinhold Niebuhr lamented the potentially harmful effect of a White House invitation on a preacher. Indeed, it is no secret to anyone that proximity to political power often diminishes religious witness. But not yesterday at the National Cathedral's post-Inaugural Prayer Service attended by our new President and Vice President!

The Episcopal Bishop of Washington, Mariann Edgar Budde, preached a sermon on "the kind of unity that fosters community across diversity and division. A unity that serves the common good." Once a commonplace expression, the common good is now a radical concept, given the national turn inward in recent years. Still, it could sound like a platitude, were it not grounded, as Bishop Budde's exposition was, in a solid public theology of what it must mean to live as a community in a free society in which we do not and likely never will be in complete agreement. As foundations for unity, she highlighted honoring the inherent dignity of every human being, honesty in private and in public, and humility, recognizing our own individual limits and our need for one another. 

All that was good and edifying, if perhaps maybe somewhat potentially disconcerting to those in possession of political power. But as the preacher herself had noted earlier in her sermon, "God is never impressed with prayers when actions are not informed by them." So, she addressed the president directly, with a plea that will now be forever famous:

Millions have put their trust in you. And as you told the nation yesterday you have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country. And we're scared now.

She then went on to mention some of those who have reasons to be scared. among them, of special relevance right now:

the people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meatpacking plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants, and work the night shifts in hospitals. They may not be citizens or have the proper documentation. But the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes and are good neighbors. They are faithful members of our churches and mosques, synagogues … and temples.

I ask you to have mercy, Mr. President, on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away. And that you help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here.

Our God teaches us that we are to be merciful to the stranger for we were all once strangers in this land. May God grant us the strength and courage to honor the dignity of every human being; to speak the truth to one another in love. and walk humbly with each other and our God. For the good of all people in this nation and the world.

I have heard no better summary of the contemporary challenge facing the Church in relation to our political regime in the days and years to come.

PhotoBishop Mariann Edgar Budde speaking Tuesday at the Washington National Cathedral during a prayer service President Trump attended. Doug Mills/The New York Times.

Credit..Doug Mills/The New York Times

Monday, January 20, 2025

Trump II

Today, the 45th President of the United States returned to the White House as the 47th President of the United States. Only once before, in 1892, has an ex-President (Democrat Grover Cleveland) been re-elected President after a term out of office. That historical curiosity further highlights the uniqueness of this American moment. 

More important than that historical coincidence, of course, Trump's return to power is unique in more infamous ways, with which we are all familiar by now, among them his association with the January 6 coup attempt and his felony convictions in his home state.

Trump returns to the Presidency as the charismatic head of a grand coalition. In this, he is not unlike the great FDR, who managed (more or less successfully) to hold together a coalition of southern segregationists, northern urban blue-collar workers, and liberal intellectuals interested in centralized economic planning and and international order. Trump's coalition, of course, is different and includes mega-rich oligarchs, once Democratic-voting blue collar workers, and a coalition of Christian Evangelicals and conservative Catholics whose religious identity has been transformed into a political allegiance, all of whom are held together by the charisma of Donald Trump. As with the Democrats after FDR, whether and how long anyone else will be able to hold together Trump's coalition in the future remains to be seen. Indeed, even now with Trump's charisma at its apex, the factions within the Trump coalition have started sniping at each other (e.g. MAGA, personified by Steve Bannon, vs. the oligarchs, personified by Elon Musk).

The Inaugural ritual (moved indoors this year because of the extreme cold as it was in 1985) is a ceremonial enactment of the peaceful transition of power, which we have historically highlighted as a defining characteristic of our political system. The principals in the inaugural ceremony seemed committed to carry out that tradition. So President Biden did not leave the city beforehand - as John Adams did in 1801 and Donald Trump did in 2021. Everyone was there who was supposed to be there, performing his or her prescribed role. Somewhat discordantly, the tech oligarchs were also seated there in prominent places - more prominent than those nominated for seats. in the new President's Cabinet.

The once and future President took his oath. The band played Hail to the Chief, and 21 guns were fired. The President and his predecessor shook hands. The Battle Hymn of the Republic was sung. Then, marching to a somewhat different drummer,  came the Inaugural Address. 

"The golden age of American begins right now."

The President promised "to put America first" and to end the "weaponization of the Justice Department." He warned of "a crisis of trust" and denounced government's purported failures under the past Administration. It was a typically Trump litany of contemporary American failures, which the new President promises to change and thus arrest America's decline. Invoking his near-death experience last summer, he claimed he had been "saved by God to make America great again." He characterized his Inaugural as "liberation day" and called his reelection the most consequential for our country.

He announced his intent to sign a series of Executive Orders, declaring a national emergency at our southern border, reinstating the "Remain in Mexico" policy, designating cartels as foreign terrorist organizations, and invoking the Alien Enemies Act of 1798. He also promised to bring down inflation, declaring a "National Energy Emergency," and exporting American energy all over the world. He promised to end the "Green New Deal" and revoke the electric vehicle mandate. He promised tariffs, claiming they will somehow enrich American citizens, and he promised to establish an "External Revenue Service." 

He promised a colorblind and merit-based society and declared it official policy that there are only two genders.

He promised to be a "peacemaker" and a "unifier."

But he also promised to change the name of the Gulf of Mexico and to restore President McKinley's name to the mountain that until recently bore his name in Alaska. He denounced the return of the Panama Canal to Panama, alleged the Chinese have acquired control of it, and ominously promised to take it back. He promised to increase American wealth and expand American territory.

Overall, it certainly sounded more like an election campaign speech than an Inaugural Address. The contrast between the traditional ceremonial and ritual goodwill, on the one hand, and the outburst of MAGA malevolence, on the other, was jarring, if unsurprising. It was the very opposite of hte opening words of the most famous Inaugural Address (JFK 1961): "We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom."

The majesty and solemnity of our constitutional civic religion were all on display, but the substance seemed to be challenged by the new Administration's agenda. 

Photo: Donald Trump is sworn in as the 47th president of the United States by Chief Justice John Roberts in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol. Pool Photo By Julia Demaree Nikhinson

Sunday, January 19, 2025

It Happened at a Wedding


January is the month of new beginnings. We just recently started a new year. Today, we may be beginning a new era without Tik Tok.Tomorrow, the United States will inaugurate a new (even if  already very familiar) President. 

In her liturgy today, the Church seems to want us to recall the inauguration, so to speak, of Jesus’ public mission. The Gospel tells us that Jesus performed a miracle (changing plain water into lots of high quality wine) as the beginning of his signs in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him. It’s a very familiar story, noteworthy for taking place at a wedding. 

While marriage imagery and symbolism permeate the scriptures, this is the only wedding specifically mentioned in the New Testament, the only one we know for sure that Jesus attended. Of course, the account is not about the wedding per se, much less is it about marriage, despite its popular use at wedding ceremonies. It is about the beginning of his signs, about Jesus revealing his glory, and his disciples believing in him.

In the words of one 5th-century Bishop: “To those who see only with the outward eye, all these events at Cana are strange and wonderful; to those who understand, they are also signs.” [Faustus of Riez, Sermon 5 of Epiphany 2].

That said, it all happened at a wedding. 

Weddings have always been big events, perhaps the biggest events in most communities as two families form an alliance to create a new family. For most of human history, weddings have been celebrations not just of a couple’s union and of family alliances, but of the continuation of the human race. In the face of the inevitably limited lifespan of everyone there, a wedding defiantly declares that the human story will continue generation after generation (which is why declining marriage rates in a society are seen as so precarious!).

As for this particular wedding, the 20th-century Catholic TV Bishop Fulton Sheen suggested that perhaps it was the wedding of one of Mary’s and Jesus’ relatives, which was what gave Mary a family reason to ask Jesus to intervene. Sheen also suggested that, since Jesus had brought his disciples, they may have contributed to the wine running out!

Who knows? But, again, it did all happen at a wedding.

We today may tend to think of weddings as very fancy, special events. But, in one sense, certainly a wedding is a very ordinary event. Human beings have been doing this on a regular basis in every known society for thousands of years. The Anglican Book of Common Prayer famously describes marriage as instituted of God in the time of man's innocency - meaning that it goes back to God’s original plan for human beings even before sin entered the world. By choosing a wedding for the first of his signs, Jesus not only honored and sanctified the institution of marriage, he also honored and sanctified ordinary human life, the way we live in the world day-in day-out, as human beings and together in society, the things that make us who we are. Jesus here bumps our ordinary daily work and play up a grade, from water to wine, from our ordinary day-to-day activities to our highest hopes and aspirations, which can only be fulfilled through him, with him, and in him.

There is challenge as well as opportunity here - a challenge to take seriously what we do day-in and day-out, what we make of this new year, this time without Tik Tok, this new political era, etc.

I suspect that this was what the second Vatican Council had in mind when it said that nothing genuinely human fails to raise an echo in the hearts of those who follow Christ. Like the disciples at Cana, we are being invited to experience the water of our ordinary lives upgraded to the wine of following Christ.

Homily for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Saint Paul the Apostle Church, January 19, 2025.

Photo: Saint Paul the Apostle Church in Ordinary Time 2025.


Friday, January 17, 2025

September 5 (The Movie)


I was just starting my senior year in College, when the 1972 Munich Olympics were disrupted by a terrorist attack on the Israeli Olympic team, resulting eventually in nine Israeli deaths. In the aftermath of October 7, 2023, Israelis don't need any new evidence that terrorist murder is a prime weapon in the anti-Israeli arsenal. Nor should we, but perhaps it is good that we be reminded on the decades-long history of anti-Israeli terror.

September 5 is a film that chronicles the actual historic Munich massacre from the perspective of the ABC Sports crew that happened to be there, covering the Olympics. It stars Peter Sarsgard as Roone Arledge (ABC Sports President), John Magaro as Geoffrey Mason, (head of the control room in Munich), and Leonie Benesch as Marianne Gebhardt (a German staffer, the only one in the room who understood German). There is also some archival footage from the actual event, including Jim McKay and Peter Jennings.

The film fully captures the tragedy of the event, even while its focus is primarily not in the Olympic Village but in the ABC Sports broadcasting facility. It takes us back to a seemingly long lost world of rotary phones and highlights the inherent tensions of covering such an event live in real time, including on-the-spot quick decisions and errors. It also illustrates the impact of commercial rivalry with other news networks and even with other divisions within the same network.

The film stays focused on the crew and what they go through. We get glimpses of the larger picture - of, for example, the tensions about continuing the Olympics while all this was going on, and of the historical anxieties felt in a special way by the German hosts of the Olympics. But, despite being set in such a seemingly different media world (now more than half a century ago), the film's contemporary resonance remains relevant and vivid.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Biden in the Sunset


There is a saying about "the best laid plans." President Joe Biden had planned to make a final visit to Rome this week, which would have included a final presidential audience with the Pope, but - dutiful to the end - the President is remaining in the U.S. because of the fires in California. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that the President has canceled his trip “to remain focused on directing the full federal response in the days ahead.”

Our second Catholic president (unlike the first one) has never been shy about his faith and has highlighted his Catholicism continuously. In 10 days, he will yield his place as the most prominent U.S. Catholic to Vice President-elect J.D. Vance, a convert whose style of Catholicism may appear somewhat different from Biden's. At least until he leaves the White House, however, Biden has consistently keep his religious commitments at the center of public perception of him.

Biden ("Scranton Joe") represents a particular style of American Catholicism, rooted in the ethnic Church's 20th-century heyday in the northeast. His is a "liberal" style of Catholicism, that talks about "social justice" and sings On Eagle's Wings (which he couldn't resist quoting even in his otherwise excellent eulogy for Jimmy Carter). Biden's style of Catholicism has much to commend it even if, like the President himself, it may appear in some ways to be fading from the American scene. 

U.S. Catholicism is increasingly a broad religious identity comprised of many coexisting, sometimes overlapping, and sometimes competing subcultures. In that mix, Joe Biden may well represent some of the best of 1970s "social justice' On Eagle's Wings Catholicism. When he praised Jimmy Carter's deep Christian faith in his eulogy at the National Cathedral, Biden was unabashedly expressing his own lifelong religious commitments. Describing Carter as "driven and devoted to making real the words of his Savior" and "a good and faithful servant of God," Biden was surely also surely expressing his own aspirations to put his own deep Catholic faith into practice through a political vocation. His is not the only possible style of American Catholicism, and his may not be the only effective way to live out a Catholic political vocation, but it is surely one very fruitful way.

Indeed, as Pope Francis recently wrote in his encyclical letter promoting devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, "our work as Christians for the betterment of society should not obscure its religious inspiration, for that, in the end, would be to seek less for our brothers and sisters than what God desires to give them" (Dilexit Nos, 205)

Photo: President Biden, Vice President Harris, and former Presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump at the State Funeral for Jimmy Carter, Chip Somodevilla/Getty

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Memorializing Jimmy Carter


This week, the nation is formally memorializing its 39th President, Jimmy Carter (1924-2024), with the now familiar rituals of a formal public state funeral in the nation's capital.

Jimmy Carter lived 100 years, during which he was a naval officer, a peanut farmer, a state Governor, a lifelong Sunday School teacher, and a Nobel-prize winning humanitarian. He was President of the United States for four of those years, from 1977 to 1981. As a southern politician and Georgia's Governor from 1971 to 1975, Carter successfully navigated the Democratic party's traumatic transition from the party of segregation to the party of civil rights. However, he was a one-term president, and one-term presidents are usually not well remembered by American history. His term was effectively a brief Democratic interlude in the long period of Republican domination of the White House that began with Richard Nixon's election in 1968 and ceased (temporarily) with Bill Clinton's election in 1992. The 1976 election was, of course, the post-Watergate election and the Democrats' win was very much a popular reaction against the Republicans because of Watergate (and President Ford's pardon of former President Nixon).

So Carter's presidency was a bit of an outlier from the start. As importantly, if not more so, Carter himself was an outlier, a self-professed "outsider." Americans do seem to like electing outsiders (e.g., Obama, Trump). Unfortunately, at least in normal times, governing is about relationships and expertise. In other words, it is an insider activity. And that, as much as anything else, may help explain why Carter's presidency seemed so unsuccessful in its time.

With the famous exception of the Camp David Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel, which was clearly Carter's great personal accomplishment as president, Carter's tenure in the White House was largely perceived as a failure. There was inflation (worse than the inflation that supposed helped defeat Kamala Harris this past year). There as an energy crisis with long lines at gas stations. There was the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the American boycott of the 1980 Olympics. And, worst of all, there was the Iranian hostage crisis, widely perceived as an extreme example of foreign-policy failure. All this proved Carter's undoing. I vividly remember Ronald Reagan's campaign line on the troubled economy, which ended something like, "Recovery will be when Mr. Carter is out of a job."

In a sense, Carter's presidency was a transitional presidency - a transition from the post New Deal, post-war liberal consensus, in which Republicans Richard Nixon (and to a lesser extent Gerald Ford) fully shared, a transition from that post New Deal, post-war liberal consensus to Reaganite "conservatism," a transition from an ever more tentative evolution toward democracy to an increasingly obvious oligarchy.

That said, as has already been pointed out by others, the disastrous ideological turn associated with the Reagan victory in 1980 was already getting its start in the Carter years. It was Carter, after all, who started "deregulation." 

Part of being an "outsider" was being less politically connected with the traditional New Deal coalition, centered on organized labor. This contributed to a degree of liberal disillusionment with Carter during his presidency, which led to Senator Edward Kennedy's extremely unsuccessful 1980 primary challenge. As often happens when incumbent presidents are challenged by dissidents within their own party, Kennedy's challenge weakened Carter and the Democrats in the campaign against Reagan. 

Carter left the White House on January 20, 1981, and began his almost 44 years of post-presidency. It now seems expected of ex-presidents that they will settle somewhere other than where they originally came from, play golf, and make lots of money. Jimmy Carter, in contrast, returned home to Plains, GA, where he started the Carter Center, and devoted the rest of his long life to doing good around the world - working to eradicate diseases and promote human rights. A devout Baptist Sunday School teacher, he exemplified putting faith into action - an admirable alternative to playing golf and making money.

Photo: Vice President Harris and husband honor President Jimmy Carter lying-in-state, U.S. Capito, January 7, 2025Jack Gruber, USA TODAY.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Counting the Votes

What a difference four years makes! As required by the constitution and on the date prescribed in the law, the Congress met in joint session early this afternoon, with Kamala Harris presiding in her role as President of the Senate, to count the electoral votes for President and Vice President. Like Richard Nixon in 1961 and Al Gore in 2001, it fell to her to announce her own defeat, adding a personal poignancy to what has in the past typically been an essential but simple and straightforwardly uncontentious political ritual.

Last tine, of course, it was anything but simple and straightforward as various Republican members unjustifiably challenged the electoral vote, while an insurrectionary  MAGA mob stormed the Capitol in an effort to prevent the government from transacting its business and undo the peaceful process of constitutional democracy. Perhaps because so many members felt personally endangered, there was a brief bipartisan moment recognizing the wrongness of all this. But that moment as far too brief. Four years later, the election-denying party is set to return to power, in part because constitutional democratic government mattered less to the electorate than the proverbial price of eggs.

This time the only inconvenience in carrying out the constitutionally mandated counting of the votes was the snow, which covered Washington in winter beauty - a naturally induced dramatic contrast to the human and political ugliness on display there four years ago. What turned into an ugly and dangerous 15-hour drama four years ago was all peacefully over and done with in about a half an hour. Of course, there were no surprises as the four tellers took turns reading the vote tallies of each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Donald Trump and J.D. Vance each received 312 votes. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz each received 226 votes.

The Republicans couldn't resist interrupting the announcement of the vote, jumping up to applaud when Harris announced Trump's tally. So, of course, the Democrats had to do the same when she announced her votes, thus highlighting the country's progressive descent into tribalism. That said, the votes have now been counted. We now have a President-elect and a Vice President-elect. The peaceful passage of political power from one party to another has been properly proclaimed and will duly take place in two weeks. All is as it is supposed to be in a constitutional democracy.

But, of course, that is only because those who lost are believers in constitutional democracy  and practiced what they preach. Had the election gone the other way, we might well have seen significant efforts to contest the result. Our national commitment to constitutional democracy has been upheld and maintained, but its broad endorsement and depth of support among the electorate have been sorely tested.

Photo: Vice President Kamala Harris, President of the Senate, and House Speaker Mike Johnson preside at joint session of Congress to count the electoral votes. Photograph: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Congestion Pricing Comes to Manhattan


Sunday, January 5, 2025, it finally happened - almost miraculously, given all the opposition. Today, congestion pricing went into effect in Manhattan below 60th Street, as New York at last caught up with London and other foreign cities in requiring cars to pay for some small share of the damage they cause the environment and the social life of urban spaces. That was, in fact, (according to one eyewitness) written on one of the signs held by some who, despite the cold,  turned out to celebrate the event, "THANK YOU FOR PAYING A TINY SHARE OF THE DAMAGE YOUR CAR CAUSES" (see Christopher Bonanos, "It's On" New York Magazine).

From now on - at least until reactionary forces succeed in rolling it back - most cars coming into the designated congestion-pricing zone (Manhattan below 60th Street) will pay a toll (as much as $9.00). For months, cameras have been set up at the 60th Street boundary point (photo), waiting to be turned on, to monitor the traffic - and bill cars for the privilege of using and abusing New York's streets and neighborhoods.

It is but a small victory in the larger war of returning the city and its streets and neighborhoods to their rightful owners - the people. How many drivers will actually change their behavior in response to this financial disincentive remains to be seen. And, as always, there may be unintended and unforeseen consequences. Meanwhile, the incoming President is unsurprisingly opposed to the program. So efforts to undo congestion pricing will likely continue. And like so much of human progress, it may well be rolled back. But, for now at least, cars are at last being charged for at least some of the damage one of the 20th-century's most destructive inventions has so long been imposing on our society with such impunity.

Photo: Entering the congestion-pricing zone at 60th Street and Columbus Avenue.


Friday, January 3, 2025

The 119th Congress Convenes

As prescribed by the 29th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the 119th Congress convened today. Ordinarily a routine and largely ceremonial occasion to which members' families are also invited, the election of a Speaker is the first and fundamental task of the newly elected House of Representatives. What made it less routine and ceremonial was the prospect that, as with the previous 118th Congress, the election of the Speaker (in this case, the re-election of Mike Johnson) was not an automatically foregone conclusion. After seeming to lose three Republican votes, Speaker Johnson managed to recover two of them thanks to Donald Trump's direct support. Thanks to those two vote switches, Johnson got himself re-elected on the first ballot (just barely 218-215). So a repeat of the previous Congress's opening-day circus was avoided.

So Congress can now organize itself for business. Of course, the re-elected Speaker and his Republican Caucus have the slimmest of majorities, which will et even slimmer when some Republican Representatives leave Congress to take jobs in the Trump Administration. So it remains to be seen how much actual governing will effectively take place. Donald Trump's vision of the presidency appears highly personal and autocratic. But, whether he likes it or not, he will need Congress to implement his program, such as it is, whatever it is. Whether this Congress will be able to pass any kind of coherent Trump program remains now to be seen. It is more than obvious that the House Republicans are anything but a unified, functional force.  

The next pressing task for Congress comes, of course, on Monday, January 6, when in accordance with the Constitution, The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted. 

Unlike last time, January 6 will pass peacefully this year. Afterwards, however, Congress will have to fund the government, raise the debt ceiling, redo Trump's tax cuts, and do all sorts of other things, which these Republicans in this Congress will likely find it hard to do.