Today, All Souls Day, our focus is rather on
all the rest of those who have died in God’s mercy and who were pleasing to God
at their passing from this life. Every day, at every Mass, but
especially today, we pray that they may be welcomed into the light of God’s
face and be given kind admittance to his kingdom, along with the saints already
in glory.
Last summer while vacationing in New York, I
visited Gate of Heaven Cemetery where 2 of my grandparents, an uncle, an aunt,
my father, and most recently one of my sisters are all buried. Remembering is a
profoundly human activity. To remember our relatives and friends who
have died is to acknowledge the importance of their lives - and the common humanity
we share with them. To remember those who have gone before us in faith
is to celebrate the different ways in which the grace of God touched and
transformed each one of them - and the hope we share with them.
We also remember today all those
parishioners who have been part of the life of our parish community, who quite
literally built this parish - if in no other way than by virtue of their
personal presence. The Parish Death Registers record the names of those, whose
funerals have been celebrated here in our parish. What an extensive human
history those names represent! Some, we confidently hope, are already among
those saints honored yesterday, while others may still be undergoing a process
of purification, prior to their entrance into the full joy of heaven, and so
may be the beneficiaries of our intercessory prayer on their
behalf. What a wonderful network of holy souls whom we hope today to help by
our prayers - and who in turn we hope are praying for us!
All those people, most of whom none of us have ever
met! Today, however, we remember them all.
They have all gone before us in faith, in hope, and
in love. And today, we remember them all.
for All Souls Day, Immaculate Conception Church, Knoxville, TN, November 2,
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