On March 18, 1858, at what was
then the corner of 4th and Walnut, Merton suddenly realized that no
one could be totally alien to him. It was, he said “as if waking from a dream.”
Suddenly, he realized that he could have no “more glorious destiny” than as “a
member of the human race … since the Word was made flesh and became, too, a
member of the Human Race!”
I am reminded of Merton today
also because a decade earlier he had written that the definition of the
Immaculate Conception “was a turning point in the modern history of the
Church,” for “the world “has been put into the hands of our Immaculate Lady and
she is our hope in the terrible days we live in.” [November
10, 1947]
Anticipating Merton’s
hope a century earlier, in 1846 the Bishops of the United States had proclaimed
Mary the patroness of the United Sates under the title of her Immaculate
Conception. So today, already an especially grace-filled day the entire Church,
is even more especially so for our country and for our own local parish
community, under the special patronage of the Immaculate Conception since 1855.
The Immaculate
Conception is the Church’s belief that, thanks to the salvation accomplished by
her Son, Mary was preserved from all sin from the very beginning of her earthly
existence and thus came into the world completely holy – thus most fully
exemplifying that “glorious destiny” of the human race, thanks to her Son’s
membership in it.
The story we just
heard from the Old Testament [Genesis 3:9-15, 20] highlights the unity of the human race and already points ahead to God’s
becoming one of us to salvage our “glorious destiny” from the damage Adam and
Eve and the rest of us have done to ourselves and to the rest of the world,
through our alienation from God. Mary, however, holy Mary, represents the
healing effect of God’s far-greater power, empowering Mary, as we just heard in
the Gospel [Luke 1:26-38], to say Yes to God where Adam and Eve and the
rest of us have repeatedly said No.
Homily for the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception Church, Knoxville, TN, December 8, 2017.
Photo: Immaculate Conception Window, Immaculate Conception Church, Knoxville, TN,
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